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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Tourney Input from A Fellow Player

Today I received the following e-mail from a fellow online poker player. His suggestions on improving the Mesquite$ are helpful and I would like more suggetions as to how we can make our tournament terrific for all! I'd love to hear suggestions from more players. Please express your opinions and suggestions by clicking the comment link at the end of this letter:

Hello, I'd like to play in your tournament, I just found out about it today. I gather it keeps getting cancelled-- here's a couple ideas for more participation:Different TIME - tonight for example there are established private Omaha HL8 tourneys at at 18:30, 20:00, and 23:00... so how did also yours get scheduled at 18:30, with an identical $10 buyin?? Why not start Mesquite$ at say 21:30?? That way four new tourneys would be starting in 90 minutes intervals from 18:30-23:00 (instead of overlapping start times).Different FORMAT - Common sense says the lower the buyin, the more entries. The cheapest Omaha HL8 buyin is the $5 Gecko, which gets plenty of entries at 2:00. Maybe an early evening $2 would be popular?? Or heres my best idea-- ever play in Riptide R&A?? Its a wild and crazy $2 holdem with rebuy and add on, hundreds of entries every night. Try a $2 Omaha HL R&A!! It could really take off.One last thought and this may be stupid, but maybe if the password was OMAHA like the other private tournies...??


At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Gecko is at 2:00 MST. I agree with most of the suggestions, and see that you have accomodated at least two of them. However, I don't know about the re-buy could try it and see how it goes. On the other hand, I think a tourney like the Gecko would be great for those of us who have to play the Gecko in the wee hours of the morning.

At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another get more players, you might want to go to the Omaha tables to announce the game.


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