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Friday, June 04, 2004

Confidence or Cockiness?

Cockiness in poker happens when we think we're better than we are. A cocky player envisons his play far superior to other's play, and loudly whines when a so-called bad player draws out on the River or enters a pot and wins with a marginal hand. Cockiness is manifest in bragging, berating new players and dealers, overtly reacting to wins and losses and in general, displaying bad manners at the table. I call it the horse's ass syndrome.

Confidence in poker is displayed by players who play within themselves, study the game, humbly except bad beats and are gracious in winning and realize that luck and skill are bedfellows. They respect their opponents and enjoy competing, win or lose. These players are respected by others and are a joy to play against.

In most poker games, both of these types are prevalent. We have a choice when we decide to participate in this wonderful sport. Which player are you? Cocky or confident?



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