A Monster
When Mary Shelley's Dr. Frankenstein created his monster, he didn't have a clue what he was about to unleash on society. When I introduced Texas Hold'em to my neighbor, I, like Dr. Frankenstein didn't realize what a problem I was about to create. Both characters, Frankenstein's monster and my neighbor are filled with obsessive/compulsive feelings that manifest in rantings, ravings, cursings and general manic/depressive disorders. For months I sold my neighbor on the idea that poker was a beautiful and relaxing game. Now that he plays online everday, I take it all back! He's proof positive that one's personality shapes and molds the experience and not the other way around. Whatever one brings to the game, shapes the game.
Now that my neighbor understands poker concepts of hand values, tight play, loose play, pot odds, premium starting hands, positive EV, calling stations, suck outs and a variety of other poker ideas, he's become an expert! He doesn't win much, but he can always tell you why he lost.
He exclaims that" those idiots online don't understand the game, and keep calling my good hands with nothing, and sucking out on the River!" His apartment has become bad-beat story central. I'm subject to bad-beat stories day and night. He hunkers over his tiny laptop screen, screaming "Look at that dumb bastard, he went all the way to the River with3-4s and got lucky! I always lose to these fools!" He hates to see his chips go to the other side of the table. In poker he seeks revenge and justice. (a non-existent concept. Life isn't fair folks!) I suggested that he try Bingo, which went over like a bad-beat to the heart. He replied, "I'm having a great time playing (and losing) poker online." Which brings me to conclude, that we all play this great game for different reasons. Love, companionship, competition, ego, lonliness and money are some of the reasons that we play poker. Whatever your motivation, have fun, play nice or play Bingo.
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